Friday, October 15, 2010

The Wild Animals of Tanzania

I have so many memories of the animals we saw ~ but the feeling of the encounters are hard to capture on film.  Such as:

  • Driving along and all of a sudden spotting an old, male lion laying RIGHT NEXT to the road
  • Our close encounter with the elephant who stood his ground in the road ahead of our vehicle
  • Hearing lions roar during the night
  • Relaxing in our tent and seeing elephants WALK RIGHT BY US
  • Watching Harvey do the Tsetse Fly Dance as those flies did love HIM.
  • Following the female lion in the Crater who walked right up to and around our vehicle
  • Using the "bush bathroom" by squatting behind the Land Cruiser while looking at a giraffe, who was looking at me
Now I understand why people get "hooked" on safaris and want to go back.  It is not a zoo and not Disneyland ~ but REAL LIFE.   You never know what you will encounter next.

CLICK here to view the D&D photo album

My "bush bathroom" giraffe

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