Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sept 17-18: Migration Permanent Tented Camp

We arrived at this camp on Friday afternoon, Sept 17th, for a two night stay.  It was only a few hours of game driving north from the Mbuzi Mawe Camp.  It was quite cloudy, and we just barely beat a rain storm upon arrival.

CLICK TO view website of Migration Camp

Yes, we experienced quite a bit of cloudy weather all week, but it didn't dampen our spirits.  It just made our photography more challenging. 

When I saw our deck on the back of our tent, I told Dennis I was going to bow out of the next morning's game drive.  But of course Raphael talked me out of it.  Good thing ... we saw lions mating the next morning on our drive!


  1. Yes, the lion mating was INCREDIBLE to watch, but I really liked the SOUNDS they made, too. We have video of this event ~ will try to get that posted, too!

  2. HEARING as well as seeing would be a wonderful addition. Maybe you would like me to 'dub' in some jungle sounds...or maybe not!
    Please keep it coming.
