Friday, October 22, 2010

EGYPT! 1993 vs 2010

Dennis and I were SO BLESSED to visit Cairo and Alexandria in June, 1993.  We were both working at Ophthalmic Imaging Systems at the time, and we took a Business Dream Trip.  Of course we didn't have much free time, but I remember falling in love with Cairo.  It felt so FAMILIAR. 

Unfortunately, we both caught King Tut's Revenge on that trip, and it took us several weeks, after we returned to Sacramento, to get the bug out of our systems.  Of course ... back then we didn't get ANY shots, we took no pills, and we ate fruit and veggies with abandon.  We even ate lettuce & tomatoes ... what we've been told is the worst thing to eat. 

Ah ... YOUTH.
The back of this photo says
"a real Egyptian on-the-street fish restaurant"

I know it's not good to compare, but we were overwhelmed to see the changes in Cairo.  Of course, it's been SEVENTEEN YEARS since we were there ... what did we expect?  With a current population of over 22 million, and being the largest city on the entire continent ... well, me bad for being surprised. 

Of course ... Dennis and I haven't changed much in 17 years ...   As my Mom loved to sing "I'm staying young, while everyone around me is growing old". 

June, 1993

September, 2010

NOTE:  You can double-click on any pictures I place right in the blog
 and see a full-size version of the image.  
Of course, if you do that,
then you'll see that we HAVE CHANGED in 17 years. 
ha ha!

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