Friday, October 29, 2010

Sept 23-27: Pyramids, Trains, and Boats

We were SO BLESSED when we landed in Cairo to be greeted by Rami Sayed, our Tour Rep for our Egypt adventure.  What a smile!  We were taken in by his warmth and knew immediately that we'd be well taken care of during our Egyptian Journey.

With the exception of this African Adventure, we have never traveled extensively on a private tour where EVERYTHING was handled.   What a joy it was to sit back and be led through the process of a trip that we (mostly Dennis) has been planning for 3 years.  Of course we COULD have handled it on our own, but it was MUCH MORE RELAXING having it all handled for us.  Or ~ let's be honest ~ when Dennis is relaxed, EVERYONE is relaxed!  :-)

I think the biggest adjustment when we arrived in Egypt was wondering where Harvey and Deb were!  There IS an adjustment when going from traveling with friends to traveling alone.  Both have their advantages ... and disadvantages.  Unfortunately, without them we didn't take as many people pictures as we did in Tanzania.

The other adjustment for me was transitioning from such a dynamic trip to a static one.  Photographing animals that may or may not appear is quite different from photographing a temple that has stood still for 4000 years!  But these extremes added to the mystique of this Trip of our Lifetime.

Below are pictures from our 36 hours in Cairo, our overnight train to Aswan, and the highlights of our 4 night Nile Cruise.

CLICK HERE to view D&D photo album

1993 in Cairo
We got roped into the papyrus factory.

2010 in Aswan
We got roped into the Essence Factory.


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