Monday, October 3, 2011

Memories of Egypt

It's been EXACTLY a year since we returned from our African Adventure, and I JUST NOW finished the 2 DVD series of our Egyptian trip.

Here is a snapshot of our time in Egypt. Be sure to watch it in 720P HD ~ the link is at the bottom of the video window.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sept 29 - Oct 2 Aboard MS Kasr Ibrim on Lake Nasser

The second cruise of our journey in Egypt ... our 4 day/3 night cruise on the Kasr Ibrim on Lake Nasser in southern Egypt. 

And I must say ... it was our FAVORITE part of our Egyptian Adventure!

Just for a little history, Lake Nasser came into existence in the early '70's after the Aswan High Dam was built, which backed-up the Nile River.  As most everything, this had both positive and negative effects on the people and environment of Southern Egypt and Northern Sudan.  Stories abound, and we can certainly see both sides of the debate.  If you're interested in more info, then here's just one link ...

Lake Nasser info

There are only SIX ships that sail on this uninhabited lake, and we chose the MS Kasr Ibrim for our cruise.  And we believe we made a great choice as we LOVED this cruise!

But unlike other cruises we've taken, there was no fancy dock here when you board the ship by Abu Simbel.  Check it out for yourself by watching this video ...

If the video doesn't play correctly, then hit "play" again and change the number on the above bar from 720 to a smaller number.

The MOST AMAZING part of this cruise ... we NEVER SAW another boat the whole time!  We were told that 2 of the 6 boats were in dry dock for repairs.  However ... we NEVER saw the other 3 boats!  In this day and age ~ HOW COOL IS THAT??

The service, staff, and amenities are truly wonderful on this ship.  THIS is a cruise we would do again.

CLICK HERE to view the D&D photo album

Our ship from the tender

Hamid was our favorite chef!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sept 27-28 Luxor and Aswan transition days

Even in my own head I get confused on how this all played out.  You see our Nile Cruise reservation was cancelled about 30 days before we left on the trip, so we had to figure out a new game plan so we wouldn't mess up our Lake Nasser cruise. 

So, our Nile Cruise sailed north from Aswan to Luxor.  Then we had two nights before we boarded our Lake Nasser cruise, which started south of Aswan at Abu Simbel.  That's why after we disembarked, we stayed one night in Luxor, took the train south to Aswan and stayed another night, and then flew further south down to Abu Simbel and boarded our Lake Nasser cruise.  And let's not EVEN confuse the issue more by saying upriver or downriver since The Nile flows south to north!

Thanks for bearing with me while I put this in writing for my own clarity!

Anyway ~ here are some images of these two days ...

CLICK HERE to view the D&D photo album

The Nile Cruise ships lined up and waiting to sail north to Luxor

Lots of boats around Aswan ...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Havin' some fun at the Nubian Party on The Nile

This was our first evening on the Sonesta Star Goddess in Aswan. 

Recognize anyone?  Dennis was such a good sport!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Sept 23-27: Pyramids, Trains, and Boats

We were SO BLESSED when we landed in Cairo to be greeted by Rami Sayed, our Tour Rep for our Egypt adventure.  What a smile!  We were taken in by his warmth and knew immediately that we'd be well taken care of during our Egyptian Journey.

With the exception of this African Adventure, we have never traveled extensively on a private tour where EVERYTHING was handled.   What a joy it was to sit back and be led through the process of a trip that we (mostly Dennis) has been planning for 3 years.  Of course we COULD have handled it on our own, but it was MUCH MORE RELAXING having it all handled for us.  Or ~ let's be honest ~ when Dennis is relaxed, EVERYONE is relaxed!  :-)

I think the biggest adjustment when we arrived in Egypt was wondering where Harvey and Deb were!  There IS an adjustment when going from traveling with friends to traveling alone.  Both have their advantages ... and disadvantages.  Unfortunately, without them we didn't take as many people pictures as we did in Tanzania.

The other adjustment for me was transitioning from such a dynamic trip to a static one.  Photographing animals that may or may not appear is quite different from photographing a temple that has stood still for 4000 years!  But these extremes added to the mystique of this Trip of our Lifetime.

Below are pictures from our 36 hours in Cairo, our overnight train to Aswan, and the highlights of our 4 night Nile Cruise.

CLICK HERE to view D&D photo album

1993 in Cairo
We got roped into the papyrus factory.

2010 in Aswan
We got roped into the Essence Factory.


Friday, October 22, 2010

EGYPT! 1993 vs 2010

Dennis and I were SO BLESSED to visit Cairo and Alexandria in June, 1993.  We were both working at Ophthalmic Imaging Systems at the time, and we took a Business Dream Trip.  Of course we didn't have much free time, but I remember falling in love with Cairo.  It felt so FAMILIAR. 

Unfortunately, we both caught King Tut's Revenge on that trip, and it took us several weeks, after we returned to Sacramento, to get the bug out of our systems.  Of course ... back then we didn't get ANY shots, we took no pills, and we ate fruit and veggies with abandon.  We even ate lettuce & tomatoes ... what we've been told is the worst thing to eat. 

Ah ... YOUTH.
The back of this photo says
"a real Egyptian on-the-street fish restaurant"

I know it's not good to compare, but we were overwhelmed to see the changes in Cairo.  Of course, it's been SEVENTEEN YEARS since we were there ... what did we expect?  With a current population of over 22 million, and being the largest city on the entire continent ... well, me bad for being surprised. 

Of course ... Dennis and I haven't changed much in 17 years ...   As my Mom loved to sing "I'm staying young, while everyone around me is growing old". 

June, 1993

September, 2010

NOTE:  You can double-click on any pictures I place right in the blog
 and see a full-size version of the image.  
Of course, if you do that,
then you'll see that we HAVE CHANGED in 17 years. 
ha ha!